About Us

“It’s not often that something so small, so simple and so easy to use can bring such freedom and control to people.” Gabriel Bitton, Founder, VP R&D”
Insuline Medical is a publicly-listed Israeli medical device company (INSL.TA), which has developed, and is manufacturing and marketing a device which enables patients on intensive insulin therapy to take control of their disease and reach treatment targets in a more effective way.
Insuline Medical has been active in developing a new approach to insulin therapy care since 2007, and has developed two medical devices using similar technology. InsuPatch & InsuPad are both designed to improve the current meal-time insulin therapy.
The InsuPad, the company’s flagship product, is composed of a disposable injection window part (Fenster) and a reusable rechargeable control unit, using the innovative injection site treatment and stabilization technology. Focusing its efforts on InsuPad, Insuline succeeded in demonstrating significant clinical benefits for patients, physicians and sick-funds.
InsuPad is non-invasive, safe, simple and easy to use, and has Medical Devices Directive (CE Mark) approval for the European Union.
InsuPad is also approved for marketing in Israel and Canada. A US regulatory process has been initiated to confirm an FDA 510(k) de-novo application*
Insuline have initiated commercialization in Germany in collaboration with J&J (LifeScan), and in Israel with DYN diagnostics, exclusive representatives of Roche Diagnostics in Israel.
Insuline Medical is led by experienced executives and is supported by a group of world-class medical Key Opinion Leaders.